Laughter Down the Hall

With an exhausted ear,
I lie and listen,
To the crazy laughter,
Down the hall.

Then, gliding quietly back,
Into my own nightmares,
Finding again the same,
Unanswered questions.

I’m frozen in bed,
Unable to speak,
Locked in fear,
Powerless to move.

I listen again,
To the crazy laughter,
Down the hall,
And wonder,

Am I the crazy one,
After all?

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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February 2nd, Now and Then?

Many years ago, I had double pneumonia, a high fever, and was pretty much semiconscious for over a week. As my big old Main Coon cat Pericles kept watch never leaving my side…

There are many interpretations, beliefs and opinions surrounding the number 2. The number is considered by some to be a very powerful angel number that will bring a lot of good things into your life. But the first and the most important meaning of this number is balance. It’s believed if this number keeps appearing in front of you, it means that you need to try to find balance in your life. 

Many years ago, I had double pneumonia, a high fever, and was pretty much semiconscious for over a week. As my big old Main Coon cat Pericles kept watch, never leaving my side except for personal necessities the entire time. This was the first of what would be many times over the years that I had this dream.

The dream was about avoiding death, not once but twice, twice in the same day. In the first part of the dream, I’m in an office building watching businesspeople in suits carrying briefcases rushing from place to place. I’m walking slowly, amazed at the spinning lunacy around me and I notice part of a guard rail is missing and I watch just as someone hurrying and not paying attention fell through the opening and down several stories to their death. The office number I was in front of was 222. In my dream, that same day on my way to get my car I see a crowd of people standing looking down into a huge hole in the road, as I heard one say, “if anyone is in there, they are dead”, it was my car in that hole. The street address was 222.

Since that time the number 222 has shown up in my real world and in my dream world and truthfully, I’m never really sure which is which, but at very rare times, times when something really important either good or not so good was happening or about to happen in my life there has always been the number 222 somehow involved.

I’ve looked this number up from Bible to babble and as I said there are many interpretations.  The number 2 is considered my some to be a very powerful angel number that will bring a lot of good things in your life. Again, the first and the most important meaning of this number is balance. It’s believed that if this number keeps appearing in front of you, it means that you need to try to find balance in your life.

Number 2 is also a symbol of peace and harmony, as well as a symbol of cooperation and consideration. If this number appears in your life very often, it means that you should try to be more co-operative and to have better relations with people around you.

So, truth or fiction, powerful or meaningless, today is February 2, 2020, or 2/22/20. I’ve often wondered what will happen in my life when it reads 2/22/22?